Beef Burgers made with scrumptious

Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince from Damn Delicious

I was sent this Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince for review (click here for the review post) and wanted to cook it in a way that wouldn’t mask the amazing flavour of the Aberdeen Angus Beef.  I therefore opted for very simple burgers, that we cooked on the BBQ.

One 400g pack of mince made 4 decent-sized burgers.  I chose to make them quite large but fairly flat so they’d cook quickly and evenly on the BBQ, but you could equally make them slightly less spread out and much chunkier, if you prefer.

Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince | Aberdeen Angus Beef Burgers Raw

I’ve kept the recipe very simple to allow the amazing flavour of the Aberdeen Angus Beef to shine!

  • 400g Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince (you could, of course, make these burgers with any other good quality minced beef)
  • 2 large spring onions, trimmed & chopped
  • 1tsp wholegrain mustard
  • Fine sea salt
  • Freshly-ground black pepper

Mix all the ingredients together without over-working the meat, shape into burgers.

If you have time, do this in advance, then wrap in clingfilm and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Cook on the BBQ, under the grill or in a frying pan.


Aberdeen Angus Steak Burgers | Aberdeen Angus Beef Burgers
Aberdeen Angus Beef Burgers | Cooking on the BBQ
Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince Burgers – Gloriously Simple, Gloriously Good!



  1. […] can view my reviews of their other products at the following links: Aberdeen Angus Steak Pie, Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince & Aberdeen Angus Steak (plus Pork […]

  2. […] can view my reviews of their other products at the following links: Aberdeen Angus Steak Pie, Aberdeen Angus Steak Mince & Aberdeen Angus Steak (plus Pork […]

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