Gloriously Good Turkey Leek Parcels

Preparation Time: 1 hr
Cooking Time: 30 mins
Makes: 14 parcels
Approx. Calories per parcel: 120

In my on-going quest for low-calorie food that keeps the tastebuds happy, I’ve come up with another turkey recipe tonight.  Hubby & kids loved it, so I wanted to share it!  It is a little bit time-consuming and fiddly, but well worth the effort.


  • 6 leeks
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 8 fine-milled oatcakes (I like to use Nairns Fine-Milled Oatcakes, but that is personal choice, of course)
  • 1 large free-range egg
  • 500g turkey mince
  • 600ml tomato passata
  • 2tbsp olive oil
  • salt to taste


  1. Top & tail the leeks, discard the top layer, then slice carefully along the length, following the natural v-shaped opening in the first visible layer, making sure you only slice about 1/3rd into the depth of the leek; this will allow you to peel off a few layers of leek and retain them as long ‘sheets’ to use for rolling the parcels. Ensure you wash the layers, removing any previously trapped soil. 
  2.  Retain all the big ‘sheets’ you can (3-4 layers of each leek, depending on size) and some of the softer inner layers
  3. Take those parts that are too thin or too coarse to use for wrapping and chop them very finely
  4. Top & tail the celery sticks, wash them and chop them very finely
  5. Scrape or peel the carrots, wash them, top & tail them, then chop them very finely
  6. Place the oatcakes in a plastic food storage bag, close the bag, then smash them into powder, using a rolling pin (or alternatively place them in a food blender/chopper to achieve the same result)
  7. Finely chop the garlic

  • Add half the chopped leeks and half the chopped garlic to the turkey mince
  • Add the crushed oatcakes, carrots, celery & egg
  • Season generously with salt
  • Combine well, using your hands
  • Take one large strip of leek and lay one of the smaller, softer ones across it, then place a handful of the turkey mince mix onto it

  •  Fold in the softer strip of leek to cover the turkey mix

  • Roll into a parcel, using the larger strip

  • Using either thick sewing thread (if you do, double it over first so you have more thickness) or cooking string, tie up the parcel at both ends
  • Repeat until you have wrapped & tied all 14 parcels. 
  • TIP: If you are left with any spare turkey mix, you can cook this in the same sauce as the parcels; it makes delicious meatballs!

  • Place 2 skillets (make sure you use ones that have a lid) onto your hob
  • Place 1tbsp of olive oil in each skillet
  • Add half of the remaining chopped garlic & chopped leeks into each skillet
  • Soften on a low heat for a couple of minutes
  • Add half the tomato passata to each skillet, add a sprinkling of salt, then simmer for approx. 5 mins
  • Carefully place 7 parcels in each skillet and cover with a lid
  • TIP: It may look like there’s not enough sauce, but the parcels shouldn’t drown in the sauce and should only be partially submerged.  The cooking process will happen partially as a poaching process and partially by steaming
  • Leave to simmer, ensuring the sauce is bubbling, for 10 minutes
  • Very carefully turn each parcel so that the side that was at the bottom is now facing the top, replace the lid onto the skillet and cook for a further 10 minutes. 
  • Serve immediately!  Delicious with mashed potatoes. 
  • Gloriously Good!
     For more recipes, tips & general foodie stuff, go to

    1 Comment

    1. This recipe was so easy to follow, I have made, cooked and devoured these delicious parcels today, they were truly scrumptious. I don't mind healthy eating when it is as tasty as this.

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