This no-bake cheesecake recipe is one that Frederika came up with to make an Easter dessert and it was a bit of an experiment – thankfully it worked and was delicious!

Brilliant for Easter, but Mini Eggs, of course, aren’t just for Easter and you can make this any time!

The recipe makes roughly 4 portions, but it depends on the size of the glasses that you use, and also whether you would prefer a different portion size.

For the cheesecake mix, the cream cheese needs to be full fat otherwise it won’t set. We used most of the cheesecake mix on top of the biscuit base with just a little bit on top of the Biscoff sauce, but you could split it more evenly if you prefer it that way.

We smashed the Biscoff biscuits in a food storage bag with a rolling pin, to leave them a little uneven with some larger chunks for extra crunch, but if you prefer a smoother biscuit crumb, you can blitz them in a food processor instead.

A word of warning: we couldn’t find the Biscoff sauce in supermarkets, so bought ours from Amazon.

A second word of warning: the Biscoff sauce is seriously addictive!!!

Finally, feel free to swap out the Mini Eggs for other chocolate, the Biscoff biscuits for any other biscuits, and the Biscoff sauce for another drizzle. For example, you could use Galaxy eggs, Digestives and caramel sauce.

Ingredients (4 Mini Cheesecakes)

Ingredients for Mini Cheesecakes with Logo
  • 340g full fat cream cheese
  • 75g icing sugar
  • 200ml double cream
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 100g Lotus Biscoff biscuits
  • 100g Mini Eggs
  • Biscoff sauce (to taste)


  1. Add the vanilla, icing sugar and cream cheese to a bowl and whisk together until smooth
  2. Whip the double cream until it is stiff
  3. Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla mix
  4. Smash the biscuits and most of the Mini Eggs, leaving a few Mini Eggs intact (however many you want) to use as decoration on top
    • We used 80g of Mini Eggs for the base, leaving 20g (12 Eggs) as decoration
  5. Sprinkle most of the biscuit crumbs into the bottom of each glass
    • Set some of the biscuit crumbs aside to sprinkle on top
  6. Sprinkle the smashed Mini Eggs on top of the biscuit crumb base
  7. Spoon a little bit of the cheesecake mix over the biscuits and Mini Eggs and smooth it out to make a flat surface
  8. Cover in Biscoff sauce to taste
  9. Dollop a second and final layer of cheescake mix over the sauce
  10. Sprinkle the remaining biscuit crumbs over the cheesecake mix
  11. Top with the whole Mini Eggs that you set aside at the beginning to decorate the mini cheesecakes
  12. Leave to set for 1 hour (or longer – if you can resist!!!…but bear in mind that the biscuit crumbs will go soggy if you leave it too long) in the fridge before enjoying!
Finished Shot of all 4 Mini Cheesecakes with Logo
Frederika’s Biscoff and Mini Egg mini cheesecakes – not just for Easter!

Note: These will keep in the fridge for a day or so, if they aren’t eaten straightaway!

Finished Shot of 1 Mini Cheesecake with Logo

Frederika’s Biscoff and Mini Eggs Mini Cheesecakes | Gloriously Simple, Gloriously Good!

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