This is a simple low-cal, low-fat, low-carb dish of monkfish poached in a spicy tomato sauce, served with cous-cous. 

monkfish in spicy tomato sauce

I cooked this for my lunch today, as I’m currently following the 10-day pre-surgery diet before I have bariatric (weight-loss) surgery next week. 

Ingredients (for 1 person)

  • 1 monkfish fillet (approx. 60g uncooked)
  • 200g tinned chopped tomatoes
  • salt, chilli (flakes or powder), garlic powder, to taste
  • 2tbsp cooked cous-cous


In a small frying pan, bring the tomatoes to the boil and add salt and chilli to taste.  Add the monkfish fillet, turn down heat to a simmer, and cover. 

Cook for approximately 5 minutes, until the monkfish is cooked through, turning halfway through cooking.  

Serve with a small amount of cous-cous.

Gloriously Simple, Gloriously Good!

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