Recipe Review:
Food Glorious Food Rhubarb and Ginger Crumble Cheesecake
When I watched the TV series Food Glorious Food, I was struck by the uniqueness of this Rhubarb and Ginger Crumble Cheesecake, so I HAD to try it for myself!
This recipe was easy to make (though the way it was written made it not as easy to follow as I’d have liked – I kept having to read it through and go back & forth to get the steps into my head in the right order) and the result looks and tastes delicious! Thoroughly recommend it! 🙂
Small alterations I made to the original Food Glorious Food recipe:
I didn’t use any food colouring – it might not look as pretty without the pink swirling through, but the taste is just as good!
I didn’t add the ginger to the crumble topping (because I’d forgotten to buy any!) but, to be honest, I found that the ginger biscuit base gave it plenty of ginger kick already, so I’m not sure it needs the added ginger – unless you’re a huge fan of ginger, that is.