Skinning a Chicken or a Hen is actually quite simple


Lay the chicken or hen on its back and, using a very sharp knife, cut through the skin along the top of the breast, where the breastbone is.

how to skin a chicken | how to skin a hen | skinning a hen | skinning a chicken | taking the skin off a chicken

If necessary, slide your hands under the skin, separating skin from breastmeat, then pull the skin off and begin ‘undressing’ the chicken/hen.  As you get to the legs, you may have to occasionally help along with a sharp knife (take care not to slip with greasy hands!).

The skin tends to be quite firmly attached to the back, where there is a thicker layer of fat, so you may have to slide the knife along to separate the skin from the meat & bone in that area.

I don’t bother with skinning the wings, but if I want to reduce fat content as much as possible, I cut out the bit of skin that joins the upper and middle parts of the wings together (see picture below).

how to skin a chicken | how to skin a hen | skinning a hen | skinning a chicken | taking the skin off a chicken

And that’s all there is to it 🙂


Gloriously simple, gloriously good!

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